Altavas, Aklan – In an effort to bring essential agrifishery services closer to the people, the Altavas Mobile Farmers’ Information and Technology Services (FITS) Center recently conducted a distribution of calendars and brochures regarding farming. The materials were provided by the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) Region 6 and the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) Negros.
This significant activity took place in Barangay Catmon, Man-up, and Odiong, where rice farmers from the said barangays benefited from the information shared. The distribution of calendars and brochures served as a valuable resource, providing farmers with valuable insights and guidance on various aspects of farming, including best practices, crop management, and innovative techniques.
During the event, an orientation on geotagging activity was also conducted. Geotagging is an essential tool that enables farmers to accurately document and track their farming activities, such as land preparation, planting, and harvesting. By utilizing geotagging technology, farmers can gather precise data, which can further enhance their farming methods and contribute to better productivity and sustainable agricultural practices.
The Altavas Mobile FITS Center aims to provide comprehensive support and information to farmers in the municipality. FITS Centers serve as a hub for disseminating timely and relevant agricultural and fisheries information, technologies, and services. They serve as a bridge between government agencies, research institutions, and farmers, ensuring that knowledge and advancements in the field of agriculture reach the grassroots level.
The FITS Center in Altavas plays a crucial role in supporting the agricultural community by offering a wide range of services. These services include but are not limited to:
Technology and information dissemination: The FITS Center serves as a reliable source of information on the latest agricultural technologies, practices, and market trends. By keeping farmers updated, they can make informed decisions and optimize their farming methods.
Training and capacity-building: The center conducts various training programs and workshops to enhance the skills and knowledge of farmers. These initiatives cover a wide range of topics, such as crop management, pest control, organic farming, and financial literacy.
Access to agricultural inputs: The FITS Center facilitates the distribution of agricultural inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, ensuring that farmers have access to high-quality resources to maximize their yields.
Linkages to support institutions: Through the FITS Center, farmers can establish connections with relevant support institutions, research centers, and government agencies. This facilitates collaborations and access to additional resources for further development.
The distribution of calendars and brochures and the orientation on geotagging activity in Barangay Catmon, Man-up, and Odiong not only provided valuable information but also served as an opportunity to introduce the Altavas Mobile FITS Center and the extensive services it offers to farmers in the municipality. The event fostered a sense of community and collaboration, enabling farmers to feel supported and empowered in their agricultural endeavors.
The Altavas Mobile FITS Center is committed to continuously serving the farmers of Altavas, ensuring that they have access to the necessary resources, knowledge, and support to thrive in their agricultural pursuits. By bringing agrifishery services closer to the people, the FITS Center plays a vital role in the progress and sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Altavas.
Together, let us celebrate the efforts of the Altavas Mobile FITS Center in promoting agricultural excellence and empowering farmers to embrace innovation and best practices. Through these collective endeavors, we pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the farmers and the entire municipality of Altavas.